One of the more amazing things about starting up these days
is the wealth of information, ideas and advice available to entrepreneurs of
all ages. Just blogs alone will yield vast amounts of food for thought.
Want to know what to do when you’re about to launch? Check
out Up West’s blog. Up West was founded by two Israelis, Gil Ben-Artzy and
Shuli Galili, who have tons of experience helping Israeli tech firms. Since
Israel has the second most startups in the world after Silicon Valley, it might
be worth talking a look. Here’s a post by Tali Saar called “ Keep
Calm and Launch Your Startup”.
Here’s a post-launch checklist from a young entrepreneur
named Danielle Morrill, a Y Combinator grad, with an astounding amount of
expertise. Here is her “Post Launch
Checklist: 10 Tasks You Should Complete”.
Last, just to complete the circle, here’s a post on getting your first 1000
users from a company called YesGraph.
What I find so terrific about all of these blogs is that
once you start reading, it’s hard to stop because each blog will lead you to
other blogs and more ideas; which will lead you to even more blogs and more
ideas…uh, but don’t forget to do your own work as well.